Since its founding in 1983, CATALYST EQUIPMENT CORPORATION has been a leading re-seller of semiconductor and scientific equipment, working with electronics manufacturers, financial institutions and universities, as well as other equipment sales organizations in the United States and abroad toward one common goal, the effective relocation of used capital equipment. Whether the priority is maximizing return on investment, or the timely and organized sale and removal of surplus equipment, we are responsive to the needs of clients selling their existing equipment.
Worldwide Experience in Liquidation of Facilities and Equipment
Through the years we have collaborated with auction companies and performed liquidation sales of entire facilities, as well as purchasing equipment for our own inventory. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, IBM, INTEL, AMD/SPANSION, SONY, FREESCALE, MAXIM, and ST MICROELECTRONICS are but a few of our corporate clients. Most of these companies and hundreds of others are also satisfied customers with thousands of systems installed and in operation today. CATALYST also enjoys an international presence, with equipment on-line in every continent on earth.
Top Management
Greg Wright, company founder and President, began his career in this industry as an equipment broker at THE SOURCE in 1977. Included in his activities while there were equipment sales and acquisitions, liquidation sales, auction consulting and equipment appraisals. Many relationships still active today were born during his tenure at THE SOURCE.

Since the inception of CATALYST EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Mr. Wright has consulted with ROSS-DOVE, THE RABIN BROTHERS and other auction companies. He has also sat on the advisory board of DOMINION VENTURES and consulted with GE CAPITAL, BANKAMERILEASE, MELLON/US LEASING, CITIBANK and other equipment leasing companies. For these clients, services include both equipment appraisals and off-lease equipment sales.

In August 1998, Bridgett Szabo Wright, formerly of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, joined CATALYST as Vice President in charge of Brokerage Services. Ms. Wright brings to CATALYST her considerable experience in the semiconductor industry, all of which was spent at TI in Dallas. During her tenure at TI, she held a number of positions. In 1987 she was one of the key personnel assigned to develop TI's Surplus Equipment Sales organization, which led to the development of the TI Brokerage Service in 1993. Since then, she has devoted most of her time to the successful operation of TI's Brokerage Service, where she was responsible for the sourcing of used process, assembly and test equipment, for all of TI's manufacturing operations worldwide. She was also a founding member of the SEMATECH Surplus Equipment Council. |